Playing with DVWA

We’ve already learned how to install DVWA, now, let’s try it to search some sites’ vulnerabilities.

This is the DVWA homepage

For a beginner, set the security level to low

Go to command injection. You can ping any IP address or domain from any websites but in my case this time, let’s try Then click submit.

After that, you’ll see ping results. That means we success accessing it. Then scroll down and see the source code to analyze it.

Now set the security level to medium

Medium Security

High Security
But there is still a vulnerability

Now try it like this

Upload a shell
To put a shell, do to ~hackable/upload directory like the picture bellow.
Then use wget and type the link that consists of the php file for the shell

Go to your hackable/uploads directory and there will be the php file for the shell

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